Saturday, August 20, 2005

Writing to Elected Officials

Unfortunately it seems the art and science of letter-writing is no longer taught in our public schools. What a shame! For certain types of communication, the formal letter is essential - such as when you're itching to send a letter to an elected official. Here then is a sample format and some guidelines to keep in mind when you're ready to send them a piece of your mind:


Your Name
Your Mailing Address

The Honorable [Full Name of Official]
Official's Address

Dear Senator Brown [or other appropriate title],

Then fill in the text of your letter here. Be polite, and come right to the point. Be sure to ask the elected official for exactly what you want them to do. For example, "please vote no on HB 671," or "please do everything you can to bring our troops home as soon as possible." Be sure to tell them why you are so concerned about this issue. Does it affect you or a family member directly? Make it clear and concise. Then sign your letter formally:

Your full name, and title if appropriate

Whether you decide to use email or send your letter through the post, using a standard format makes it easier for your elected officals to read and respond to your letter, and more likely that your voice will be heard. Insulting, combative or unclear letters are not likely to be effective.

Finally, here are some sites where you can quickly identify and obtain contact information for your elected officials:

  • United States House of Representatives

  • United States Senate

  • North Carolina Legislature

  • State Government Home Pages

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